报告题目:Fair Scheduling for Time-dependent Resources
We study a fair resource scheduling problem, where a set of interval jobs are to be allocated to heterogeneous machines controlled by intellectual agents.Each job is associated with release time, deadline, and processing time such that it can be processed if its complete processing period is between its release time and deadline. The machines gain possibly different utilities by processing different jobs, and all jobs assigned to the same machine should be processed without overlap.We consider two widely studied solution concepts, namely, maximin share fairness and envy-freeness.For both criteria, we discuss the extent to which fair allocations exist and present constant approximation algorithms for various settings.
李闽溟分别于2002年和2006年在清华大学计算机科学与技术系获得学士和博士学位。之后赴香港城市大学任助理教授,现为教授。他的研究兴趣包括算法博弈论,算法设计与分析以及组合优化。他在PNAS,SIAM Journal on Computing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing等期刊上发表论文80篇;在NeurIPS,ICML,AAAI,AAMAS,IJCAI等国际会议上发表论文100余篇。目前为ACM Distinguished Speaker。